Home > WELDING SOLUTIONS > Programmable Gantry Welder
Heat Exchanger Header Welder
Hard Facing / Thermal Spray
Chain Profile Welder
Longitudinal Elbow Welder
Programmable Gantry Welder
Nozzle Welding Gantry
Pulley Welding Station
Programmable Gantry Welder
Designed to weld complex steel structures of irregular shapes with the “Teach Pendant Programming" function to define welding paths. A PLC based programming control to set welding parameters such as welding current, voltage, travel speed, oscillation speed, oscillation width and dwell time effectively. The system consists of two precision side beams and carriages, each carries a multi-axis weld head to perform the required welding tasks under the command of the programming control. When welding completes, all weld data can be stored as record for quality assurance purpose.